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buffer-alloc – readme

# Buffer Alloc

A [ponyfill](https://ponyfill.com) for `Buffer.alloc`.

Works as Node.js: `v7.0.0` 
Works on Node.js: `v0.10.0` ## Installation ```sh npm install --save buffer-alloc ``` ## Usage ```js const alloc = require('buffer-alloc') console.log(alloc(4)) //=> console.log(alloc(6, 0x41)) //=> console.log(alloc(10, 'linus', 'utf8')) //=> ``` ## API ### alloc(size[, fill[, encoding]]) - `size` <Integer> The desired length of the new `Buffer` - `fill` <String> | <Buffer> | <Integer> A value to pre-fill the new `Buffer` with. **Default:** `0` - `encoding` <String> If `fill` is a string, this is its encoding. **Default:** `'utf8'` Allocates a new `Buffer` of `size` bytes. If `fill` is `undefined`, the `Buffer` will be zero-filled. ## See also - [buffer-alloc-unsafe](https://github.com/LinusU/buffer-alloc-unsafe) A ponyfill for `Buffer.allocUnsafe` - [buffer-fill](https://github.com/LinusU/buffer-fill) A ponyfill for `Buffer.fill` - [buffer-from](https://github.com/LinusU/buffer-from) A ponyfill for `Buffer.from`